Turn Bluetooth on and off: Open the Action Center by swiping from the right edge of the screen or pressing Windows key + A. Look for the Bluetooth icon and toggle it on and off to see if it resolves the issue.
Restart your Surface Pro: Restarting your Surface Pro can help resolve any software-related issues that may be causing the Bluetooth problem.
Update Windows: Make sure your Surface Pro is up to date with the latest Windows updates from Microsoft. Software updates can fix bugs and issues with your device.
Check the Bluetooth device and settings: Ensure that the Bluetooth device you are trying to connect to is turned on and in pairing mode. Check the Bluetooth settings on your Surface Pro by going to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices. Make sure that the Bluetooth toggle switch is turned on and the device you want to connect is listed and paired.
Remove and re-pair the Bluetooth device: If the Bluetooth device is already paired with your Surface Pro, try removing it and re-pairing it to see if it resolves the issue.
Reset the Bluetooth stack: Press Windows key + X and select “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” from the menu. Type the following command and press Enter: net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice. Then type this command and press Enter: net localgroup Administrators /add localservice. Finally, type this command and press Enter: Get-Service bthserv | Restart-Service.
Update the Bluetooth drivers: Go to the Microsoft Surface support website and download the latest Bluetooth drivers for your Surface Pro. Install the drivers and see if it resolves the issue.
In conclusion, these troubleshooting steps should help you fix your Surface Pro Bluetooth not working issue. If you are unsure about any of the steps or the issue persists, contact Microsoft support or bring your Surface Pro to Esmond service center for professional help.
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